Tag Archives: palette knife

More paint on the 2’x2′ masonite panel

some green...

some green…

and some gray and white

and some gray and white

More to come on this one.  🙂


Filed under Unfinished Paintings

en progreso

2′ x 2′ Masonite panel, in progress!

I had some fun painting on this one.  The palette knife really likes having a bigger yard to run around in.  I painted some black and then some red, until I got to the point where I wanted to let it dry.  The question is, what’s next?  Yellow or green?  🙂

Also by popular demand (of one — you know who you are) for insight into my ‘studio’ workspace, I decided not to crop that out of the photo this time.  Click it for full size to read the delightfully sardonic annotations.


Filed under Unfinished Paintings