Tag Archives: Spinal Tap

Paintings in progress

In my last post I mentioned that five months later when I saw the painting that I’d made for my mom for mother’s day, that I had no difficulty with continuing to think of it as done — as complete as the day I framed it.  I did not want to change or adjust even a single aspect of it.  What I wanted to do was start over completely.  That painting was the last one I’d completed before I took a painting class over the summer.  My reaction made me realize that I had really learned a lot more than I thought in that class.  And I already thought I’d learned quite a lot…

The idea of  starting over with that one rolled around in my head for a few days and morphed into this, though it’s still in progress:

...in progress

It’s still rectangles hanging in space, but we’ll see where else it goes from here.

Here is another painting in progress:

...in progressThe shininess on the bottom is from the camera flash.  Anyway, this one is just a start, but I have ideas!

I worked on these and three other paintings last weekend, but the other three are so close to complete that an ‘in progress’ shot would not look that different from what I’ll post when they are done.  (That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.)  These have some way to go yet, especially the second one.

Any thoughts?  Comments are always more than welcome — they’re hoped for!

And don’t forget — Friday is 11/11/11 — Nigel Tufnel day!  Because “these go to eleven”.


Filed under Paintings