Tag Archives: deployment

A year of painting and blogging!

Today I have been writing this blog for one year.  🙂  I started this to blog my paintings, suspecting that getting a little feedback on them would motivate me to keep me painting.  It worked!!  Moreover, I took Jim’s advice and decided to stick to a schedule of posting twice a week.  Though I did shift my original Tuesday/Friday schedule to Wednesday/Saturday, I still cannot believe I have actually posted twice a week — every week — for a full year.  Of course some posts have been… lackluster, but then I’ve also been surprised by which have been more popular.

So on this, the conclusion of year one, I want to sincerely thank all of you.  Thank you.  Thank you for visiting!  It’s not flattery — it’s straight truth when I tell you that it’s your comments and likes that keep the posts and paintings coming.  🙂

I want to especially thank Jenna, Marina, Dani, Joseph, and QueridaJ for all the artistic support and encouragement!  Thank you so much!  🙂

Here is a slideshow of the OMIGOD 61 paintings (mostly) I’ve completed this past year:

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Filed under Paintings

Painting: Deployment, part 3

Here is a slide show of how my painting Deployment progressed.  I had planned on showing this weeks ago when I finished this painting, but had technical difficulties with converting the photos to video.  WordPress’ slide show to the rescue!  And slide shows are ridiculously easy to add to posts — I had just never noticed it was available…  So thanks to Andy Parkinson for pointing it out!

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Filed under Paintings

Painting: Deployment, part 2

Ok then!  How do you like these angles??

Deployment - aligned on its own lines

Deployment - aligned on its own lines

Deployment - aligned on its own lines

Deployment - aligned on its own lines

Deployment - aligned on its own lines

Deployment - aligned on its own lines

Deployment - aligned on its own lines

Deployment - aligned on its own lines

Yeah, I’m just messing around now, milking this ‘angles’ angle for another post…  🙂

The main thing with today’s post is to describe what I think this is a painting of, since in the last post I said I had a definite idea on that, which is unusual for me, but then did not tell you what it is.  <cue evil laugh>

In “Deployment”, aliens have arrived at Earth, obviously and without trying to hide in any way.  We have not made contact or determined their intentions, but see that they have begun to deploy blue things from the yellow and green mother ship.  The viewer is looking straight up into the sky at this scene.  There being no ‘up’ or ‘down’ to the view when looking straight up, is probably why it occurred to me that this painting could work at any angle.  Now that your comments have made me more aware that that can be the case for any non-representational abstract, I’ll keep it in mind!


Filed under Paintings