Tag Archives: mother’s day

Painting for Mom on Mother’s Day

Here is a painting I did last summer.  I made it for my mom and gave it to her on mother’s day.  I also made the frame, out of corner guard.  Corner guard can be found at hardware stores near the molding.  A miter-box, measuring twice cutting once, and screwing it up anyway, a serious amount of head-scratching, liquid nails, and some glue clamps, and I had a frame… that has not fallen apart yet.  Then I painted the frame too.  I thought the black and white both added to and contrasted nicely with the painting.

Mother's Day Painting

Mother's Day Painting, Acrylic on 12" x 9" canvas paper

The painting itself… is pretty much just a design of blocks that don’t stray too far from primary colors, but that are hanging in space from the top of the frame.  Sort of a sculpture, or a very colorful futuristic city, floating in the sky.  That’s what I had in mind when I painted it anyway.

I’d always heard that when painters give someone a painting as a gift, then see it later when they visit, that they often feel compelled to “fix” something or change some details.  That it can be hard to call it done.  So, with that in mind, I took a look at it as I was visiting last weekend, specifically to gauge my own reaction.  I didn’t want to change or fix anything — I wanted to start over completely!


Filed under Paintings