Tag Archives: sculpture

How cool is this sun-dial sculpture?

Solstice sun-dial sculpture, Jean Salins, 1980

Click to find out why it’s so cool at APOD, NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day!


Filed under Art

Artist: Jean Luc Cornec, and his phone sheep

Ba-a-a-a!!!  Brrrrring!!

Ba-a-a-a!!!  Brrrrring!!

Ba-a-a-a!!!  Brrrrring!!

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That’s what I hear when I look at these sheep made from antique (‘antique’?  Really??  Yeah, antique!) phones.  This is an installation by artist Jean Luc Cornec in the the Museum für Kommunikation in Frankfurt, Germany.  Created in 2006, they’re, uh, sheep.   Made out of phones.  Clearly.  The heads are pretty obviously phones, but the hooves are also telephone handsets with one end melted and bent backwards, and the wool is made of phone cords.  So but for a sheepishly hidden internal framework, they’re all phones.  (Click the first three pictures for more phone sheep!)

Vertical spacer invisible gif

Vertical spacer invisible gif

Vertical spacer invisible gif

Vertical spacer invisible gifVertical spacer invisible gif

Vertical spacer invisible gif


Filed under Artists