More paint on the 2’x2′ masonite panel

some green...

some green…

and some gray and white

and some gray and white

More to come on this one.  🙂


Filed under Unfinished Paintings

13 responses to “More paint on the 2’x2′ masonite panel

  1. Oops! Posted late today — something misfired with the scheduler…

  2. this may sound strange…but for some reason to me it looks like you’ve painted on top of a mirror/glass surface and the fuzzy background is actually a reflection of whatever is in front of it….

    • No that doesn’t sound strange at all. 🙂 It’s just silver spray paint on white, but others have also pointed out what looks like some kind of figure in the background…

      ‘Mirrors and glass’ make the illusion sound even more elaborate though. 🙂

  3. Seems to me that as December progresses this painting is getting more Christmas elements!!!!! Someone’s feeling festive!

    • That’s funny because I was trying to decide whether to add green or yellow next, and decided not green because it would look too Christmasy. Then I ended up with a bunch of extra green mixed up for another painting… 🙂

  4. looks x-massy. i want a froggy!

  5. Replicant Core

    A good depth of field and i sense a 3d feeling. Red and black are my favorite colors 🙂 Looking forward to the final.

    • Thanks! I have to say though, the depth of field is accidental… a happy accident. Spray paint sprays on kinda fuzzy… Still, I can use that now. When it’s warm enough to spray paint (outside)…

    • And I think I finished this painting yesterday. I’ll take another look at it tonight and if it still feels finished, I’ll post it tomorrow! 🙂

  6. This is cool! Kind of a fall feel to this one. Great work, Zorgor!

I'd love to hear your thoughts and interpretations! Your comments and likes are what keep the paintings and posts coming. :)