The Trials and Tribulations of Alizarin Yuck #1, part 1

I mentioned in my last post that this painting has had an interesting journey.   This is where it got interesting.  Some of the paint was pretty thick I guess, and this is what happened when I caulked the edges and put a yellow wash on it:

Wrinkly wrinkly wrinkly

Check that out

up close

The tale gets worse from here, but don’t worry — I think it’s going to have a happy ending.  🙂

And just because I’m liking this song so much today, here it is. Enjoy!


Filed under Unfinished Paintings

4 responses to “The Trials and Tribulations of Alizarin Yuck #1, part 1

  1. Ah, yes, I can see that happy end coming!!!

  2. I really love the added texture of the caulk around the edges, Zorgor. Very eye-catching. Looking forward to seeing the finish.

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